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How can Activated Black Seed Oil help eczema sufferers?

Mar 22, 2022

The word Eczema comes from Greek and means “to boil over” — and that makes sense when you think of the inflamed, red, raw skin that comes with eczema.

Eczema affects about 10 percent of people worldwide and occurs when your immune system reacts to something that irritates it. It’s not contagious and people often dismiss it as “just a rash”. However, it can cause significant physical discomfort and emotional distress.


What is eczema? 

What makes eczema tricky to treat is that there are at least six different kinds, and you can be affected by one type or several forms at the same time.

It also affects people throughout life, so it’s safe to say that most of us have been “touched” — or should that be “scratched”? — by eczema at some point.


Varieties of eczema 


Atopic dermatitis: 

  • causes inflammation and scaly, dry, damaged skin
  • can affect babies as young as 2 months but also children and adults
  • symptoms often improve as children grow up
  • can recur even after an inactive period
  • affects face and scalp in infants, and neck, elbows and behind the knees in children
  • 20% of children in Singapore suffer from this kind of eczema, 60% develop it before their first birthday.


eczema atopic dermatitis

Source: www.nationaleczema.org


Contact dermatitis:

  • develops when skin is exposed to something that irritates it, like a red, itchy area under a wedding ring
  • skin usually heals quickly when the irritant disappears
  • use gentle products to soothe the redness.


eczema contact dermatitis

Source: www.nationaleczema.org


Dyshidrotic eczema:

  • small, extremely itchy blisters on the hands and feet
  • mostly affects adults under 40
  • possibly the most unpleasant version of eczema
  • sores can become infected and filled with pus


eczema Dyshidrotic dermatitis

Source: www.healthline.com


Nummular eczema

  • coin-shaped (Nummular is Latin for coin)
  • often begins with an insect bite or localised irritation
  • appears as a dry and scaly circle of skin
  • can become red and weepy if it gets irritated or infected.


eczema Dyshidrotic dermatitis

Source: www.nationaleczema.org


Seborrheic dermatitis:

  • Commonly found on the scalp (affects the sebaceous glands)
  • dry, flaky patches of skin
  • called “cradle cap” in babies
  • affects all ages, often those with immune disorders or other chronic illnesses.


eczema Seborrheic dermatitis

Source: www.healthline.com


Stasis dermatitis

  • occurs when there are problems with circulation
  • Lower limbs get swollen, leading to irritated skin.


eczema stasis dermatitis

Source: www.mayoclinic.org


How do I know if I have eczema?

Diagnosing eczema is quite straightforward: you must have itchy skin, plus three or more of the following symptoms:

  • Itchiness in skin creases or folds
  • Dry skin
  • Visible rash affecting the limbs, cheeks or forehead.
  • Symptoms appearing within 2 years of birth (not always an indication, but very common)
  • Family history of asthma, hay fever or immune system diseases, especially affecting a close relative.


What triggers eczema the most?

Tracking down the root cause of an eczema attack is no easy task, and often a few different triggers combine to bring on a mean-red flare up and get the itchy scratching.

The most common triggers for eczema are:

  • stress (both ongoing stress from work and life, and also unusual stressful events)
  • hormonal changes  (pregnancy, peri-menopause, menopause)
  • temperature changes (very dry, hot air or extreme humidity)
  • fabrics, especially wool or polyester
  • pet dander
  • genetics (you are much more likely to have eczema if your parents have it)
  • unhealthy lifestyle
  • allergens, toxic chemicals or pollutants, such as:
    1. cigarette smoke
    2. metals, such as copper or nickel
    3. perfume and other fragrances
    4. antibacterial creams
    5. formaldehyde (in disinfectants, vaccines, and glues)
    6. thickeners in lotions and shampoos
    7. some dyes or temporary tattoos


We can control some of these triggers but others are out of our hands, unless we can develop some kind of Avengers-style weather-manipulating super powers or avoid many common daily products.


Does eczema go away by itself?

In short — No. An eczema outbreak usually takes a few weeks to treat and most of the time it will not disappear if you ignore it and hope for the best. It’s vital to work out which triggers affect you most and stay away from these.


How to treat an eczema flare-up

If eczema flares up, many people head to the doctor and are given the following treatments:


Seven at-home treatments for eczema flare-ups

If you want to avoid the onslaught of chemicals, and the potential nasty side effects from conventional eczema treatments, you can also manage an eczema outbreak at home. Try these steps when your eczema is acting up:

1. Moisturise at least twice a day.

Keep your skin hydrated and protect your skin’s barrier, reduce dryness and stop cracking with a rich daily body moisturiser such as organic cold pressed Rosehip seed oil

2. Don’t scratch.

It takes will power but avoid giving into the urge to itch. Instead, try pressing on the skin. You can also cut your fingernails short, and if you scratch in your sleep, wear gloves at night.

3. Apply bandages.

If you cover your eczema with a bandage, you won’t be as likely to scratch. You can also use wet bandages to soothe the skin.

4. Have a warm bath.

Sprinkle your bath water with baking soda, uncooked oatmeal or colloidal oatmeal — ground oatmeal made for using in the bath. Soak in the bath for 10 to 15 minutes, then gently pat your skin dry. You can also add a few drops of a gentle organic essential oil, such as Lavender oil.

5. Choose mild, perfume-free soap or body wash.

Use a non-alkaline soap that is highly moisturising so your skin won’t be parched after your shower.

6. Use a humidifier.

Air-conditioning can dehydrate sensitive skin and intensify flaking. A humidifier adds moisture to the air and can ease itching.

7. Wear cool, smooth-textured clothing.

Avoid tight, synthetic or scratchy clothing that can irritate damaged skin.


How to prevent eczema?

Being sustainable is the buzzword now and dealing with eczema is no exception. Why not sustain your eczema-free state and prevent eczema outbreaks from happening at all?

Six steps to prevent or reduce eczema flare-ups

1. Reduce chemical load

Aim to eliminate chemical additives from your diet. These include:

  • Salicylates (natural chemical found in plants and fruit that’s also used in aspirin and many personal care products)
  • MSG
  • artificial colouring
  • natural colouring
  • preservatives (sorbate, benzoates, sulphates, nitrate)
  • artificial sweetenersOur liver will detoxify salicylates and other chemicals so they are safely removed from the body but too many of these chemicals can lead to inflammation and an allergic response such as eczema.To support the liver, it needs glycine, vitamin B6, magnesium and limonene. Found in Lemon oil, studies show that limonene helps detoxify the liver. This is why we included organic Lemon oil in our dietary supplement and immunity booster, Activated Black Seed Oil.


2. Reduce blood histamine levels

Histamines are chemicals released into the blood by the white blood cells when the body is fighting an allergen. Reducing the level of histamines in the blood can relieve the itchiness of eczema, which is why doctors sometimes prescribe artificial antihistamines.

Eating foods rich in Vitamin C and B6 naturally reduces histamines. You can find these vitamins in papaya, mung bean sprouts, Brussels sprouts and green onions.

And you should avoid histamine producing foods such as eggs, peanuts, dairy products including cow’s milk, sesame seeds and wheat.


3. Improve your gastrointestinal health

Eczema sufferers often have Candida albicans (a yeast infection) in their gastrointestinal tract or on their skin. This is hard to get rid of, even after a change of diet.
Oregano oil in our Activated Black Seed oil contains thymoquinone, a natural compound which eliminates Candida albicans and boosts your overall gastrointestinal health.


4. Balance your fat ratios

If you eat a lot of saturated fat, it can also negatively affect your eczema. Unsaturated fats, however are quite different. These are composed of essential fatty acids (EFAs), including linoleic acid (Omega 6) and alpha-linolenic acid (Omega 3) and they benefit the body by stimulating hair and skin growth, and regulating the metabolism.

Flax seed oil increases your Omega 3 intake and Pumpkin seed oil (PSO) is also rich in Omega 3- and 6- fatty acids, as well as zinc, Vitamin E and antioxidants.

All these goodies make these ingredients a gift for the skin, allowing it to retain moisture and fight free radicals. Both Flax seed oil and Pumpkin Seed oil are important in our Activated Black Seed Oil.


5. Restore your acid/alkaline balance

Maintaining a healthy acid/alkaline balance also allows the liver to detoxify problematic chemicals.

Too much acid in our body will be stored in our tissues, which can make the skin itchy.

A healthy, balanced diet, with both alkaline and nutritious acid-forming foods is key to keeping eczema in remission.

Alkaline foods include green, leafy vegetables, nuts, root vegetables, broccoli and fruit, while acid-forming foods are proteins, sugars, grains and processed foods.

Choose foods that boost the immune system and promote healthy skin to reduce the risk of infection, and increase your intake of alkaline foods and drinks.

Enjoy Eczema-easing foods:

  • Fatty fish with high levels of Omega-3 (salmon, herring)
  • Fruit high in anti-oxidants: apples, blueberries, cherries,
  • Broccoli, spinach, kale
  • Fermented foods: tempeh, kefir, miso soup, sauerkraut


Minimise Eczema-triggering foods:

  • Milk, cheese, butter, yoghurt
  • Margarine,
  • Pork, ham, deli meat, sausages
  • Smoked salmon
  • Raw egg, mayonnaise
  • Tomato, bell pepper, mushrooms, pumpkin and broccoli
  • Dried fruit
  • Vinegar
  • Wheat
  • Sugar


6. Reduce Inflammation

Eczema is a sign of inflammation in your metabolism. The compounds Thymol and Carvacrol in Black Seed oil (Nigela Sativa)  are effective in reducing inflammation in the body, while research has discovered that the lauric acid in Black Seed Oil is also responsible for preventing an eczema relapse  in many patients.


activated black seed oil


What is Activated Black Seed Oil?

We created Activated Black Seed Oil (ABS) to shield your body from inflammatory diseases. It acts as an organic super-supplement for your immune system, is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, and detoxifies and supports your skin, making it ideal for anyone grappling with skin conditions.

Black Seed oil has been used as a healing remedy for thousands of years and our Activated Black Seed Oil powers up these benefits by adding four more superfood ingredients.

This creates a powerful and targeted blend of compounds, omega fatty acids, proteins and vitamins that significantly reduce inflammation — the body’s worst enemy.


Can Activated Black Seed Oil be applied directly on the skin?

You can apply a thin layer of ABS to your skin but taking it internally is even more important. Taking it regularly will  help to eliminate Candida Albicans, decrease inflammation in your body and boost healthy levels of good fats, such as Omega 3 and 6.


How to take Activated Black Seed Oil?

Activated Black Seed oil tastes medicinal, with a slightly spicy flavour. It is best to take one teaspoon in the morning on empty stomach. If you’re not keen on the taste, you can swallow it with warm water or mix it with honey, juice, oatmeal or cereal.


When will you see results?

Each person is different and it also depends how serious your eczema is. If you follow a healthy eczema-friendly diet, as well as taking ABS, it usually takes six to eight weeks to see improvements. Many customers see full results after three months.


Does it really work?

Our founder, Dr  Ubbo von Oehsen suffered from severe eczema for more than three years before we successfully found the right ingredients and formulation for Activated Black Seed Oil. This helped him to get rid of his eczema permanently.


Eczema- Activated Black Seed Oil before and after effect


So, even though eczema has been a rather unwelcome companion for many of us during our lives – perhaps even as a baby! – it can be a much less frequent visitor when we take care of ourselves with diet, being mindful of what triggers an eczema attack, and by regularly taking Activated Black Seed oil to ease inflammation inside and out.

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